都已经一年了 今天就是迈克逝世一周年了 话说一年前的今天 人还在英国的时候 刚从学校回宿舍时 就听见洋鬼子在喊说 "Micheal Jackson is dead, Micheal Jackson is dead" 当时我们还以为 他们在开玩笑闹我们 怎知道回到房间 打开电脑上个网 迈克果真去世了 真的不是闹着玩的吖
"A blessed birthday to you. Hope this book can help you destress a little from college pressure. 19 years old is just another stop in life; you still have 81 more stops to go. So take life easy and enjoy every moment of it. I'll always stay behind you, but cheering you all the way...!! With lotz of love..."